Standard Trawl Data Prep


The general cleanup process for the Northeast Groundfish Survey Data is done to achieve several QA/QC objectives:

  1. Ensure consistency in attribute names that are commonly used in analyses
  2. Remove data from strata that are no longer sampled following the 2008 vessel switch
  3. Data type formatting

SURVDAT Prep Function

To promote a consistent cleanup routine, the cleanup steps practiced here at GMRI were condensed into several cleanup functions which were later added to the community R-package. The primary function is gmRi::gmri_survdat_prep(). This function both locates to desired survdat data source, and prepares it for analyses by performing the standard cleanup steps.

To better understand what steps are performed by this function, the code has been broken up into the discrete steps below.

Function Arguments

The cleanup function has two arguments: survdat & survdat_source. The first argument survdat allows a user to supply a dataframe from the environment to perform the cleanup steps on, this is NULL by default but lets users supply their own data and is helpful for comparing different versions. The second argument directs the function to load specific versions off of Box, our cloud storage provider. Options for this include the most recent survdat data, data from the RV bigelow only, without survey adjustments, and the survdat data that contains the full suite of biological data.

The function argument documentation can be seen below:

#' @title  Load survdat file with standard data filters, keep all columns
#' @description Processing function to prepare survdat data for size spectra analyses.
#' Options to select various survdat pulls, or provide your own available.
#' @param survdat optional starting dataframe in the R environment to run through size spectra build.
#' @param survdat_source String indicating which survdat file to load from box
#' @return Returns a dataframe filtered and tidy-ed for size spectrum analysis.

Step 1: Importing

####  Resource Paths
mills_path  <- box_path("mills")
nmfs_path   <- box_path("res", "NMFS_trawl")

####  1. Import SURVDAT File  ####

# Testing:
#survdat_source <- "bigelow"     ; survdat <- NULL
#survdat_source <- "most recent" ; survdat <- NULL

# convenience change to make it lowercase
survdat_source <- tolower(survdat_source)

# Build Paths to survdat for standard options
survdat_path <- switch(
  EXPR = survdat_source,
  "2016"        = paste0(mills_path, "Projects/WARMEM/Old survey data/Survdat_Nye2016.RData"),
  "2019"        = paste0(nmfs_path,  "SURVDAT_archived/Survdat_Nye_allseason.RData"),
  "2020"        = paste0(nmfs_path,  "SURVDAT_archived/Survdat_Nye_Aug 2020.RData"),
  "2021"        = paste0(nmfs_path,  "SURVDAT_archived/survdat_slucey_01152021.RData"),
  "bigelow"     = paste0(nmfs_path,  "SURVDAT_current/survdat_Bigelow_slucey_01152021.RData"),
  "most recent" = paste0(nmfs_path,  "SURVDAT_current/NEFSC_BTS_all_seasons_03032021.RData"),
  "bio"         = paste0(nmfs_path,  "SURVDAT_current/NEFSC_BTS_2021_bio_03192021.RData") )

# If providing a starting point for survdat pass it in:
if(is.null(survdat) == FALSE){
  trawldat <- janitor::clean_names(survdat)
} else if(is.null(survdat) == TRUE){

  # If not then load using the correct path
  # Bigelow data doesn't load in as "survdat"
  if(survdat_source == "bigelow"){
    survdat <- survdat.big

  # Most recent pulls load a list that then contain survdat
  if(survdat_source %in% c("bio", "most recent")){
    survdat <- survey$survdat }

  # clean names up for convenience
  trawldat <- janitor::clean_names(survdat)

# remove survdat once the data is in

Step 2: Column Naming QA/QC

This step was included to correct any inconsistencies in the inclusions/omissions of columns, or the different names given to the same columns encountered across different pulls of the survey data. In this step the key offenders are flagged for their presence/absence and the data is then reformatted to a consistent form that the remainder of the code expects.

#### 2.  Column Detection  ####

####__ a. Missing column flags  ####

# Flags for missing columns that need to be merged in or built
has_comname  <- "comname" %in% names(trawldat)
has_id_col   <- "id" %in% names(trawldat)
has_towdate  <- "est_towdate" %in% names(trawldat)
has_month    <- "est_month" %in% names(trawldat)

# Flags for renaming or subsetting the data due to presence/absence of columns
has_year      <- "est_year" %in% names(trawldat)
has_catchsex  <- "catchsex" %in% names(trawldat)
has_decdeg    <- "decdeg_beglat" %in% names(trawldat)
has_avg_depth <- "avgdepth" %in% names(trawldat)

####__ b. Missing comname  ####

# Use SVSPP to get common names for species
if(has_comname == FALSE){
  message("no comnames found, merging records in with spp_keys/sppclass.csv")
  # Load sppclass codes and common names
  spp_classes <- readr::read_csv(
      paste0(nmfs_path, "spp_keys/sppclass.csv"),
      col_types = readr::cols())
  spp_classes <- janitor::clean_names(spp_classes)
  spp_classes <- dplyr::mutate(spp_classes,
           comname  = stringr::str_to_lower(common_name),
           scientific_name = stringr::str_to_lower(scientific_name))
  spp_classes <- dplyr::distinct(spp_classes, svspp, comname, scientific_name)

  # Add the common names over and format for rest of build
  trawldat <- dplyr::mutate(trawldat, svspp = stringr::str_pad(svspp, 3, "left", "0"))
  trawldat <- dplyr::left_join(trawldat, spp_classes, by = "svspp")


####__ c. Missing ID  ####
if(has_id_col == FALSE) {
  message("creating station id from cruise-station-stratum fields")
  # Build ID column
  trawldat <- dplyr::mutate(trawldat,
    cruise6 = stringr::str_pad(cruise6, 6, "left", "0"),
    station = stringr::str_pad(station, 3, "left", "0"),
    stratum = stringr::str_pad(stratum, 4, "left", "0"),
    id      = stringr::str_c(cruise6, station, stratum))}

####__ d. Field renaming  ####

# Rename select columns for consistency
if(has_year == FALSE)      {
  message("renaming year column to est_year")
  trawldat <- dplyr::rename(trawldat, est_year = year) }
if(has_decdeg == FALSE) {
  message("renaming lat column to decdeg_beglat")
  trawldat <- dplyr::rename(trawldat, decdeg_beglat = lat) }
if(has_decdeg == FALSE) {
  message("renaming lon column to decdeg_beglon")
  trawldat <- dplyr::rename(trawldat, decdeg_beglon = lon) }
if(has_avg_depth == FALSE)      {
  message("renaming depth column to avgdepth")
  trawldat <- dplyr::rename(trawldat, avgdepth = depth) }

####____ d. build date structure for quick grab of date components
if(has_towdate == TRUE) {
  message("building month/day columns from est_towdate")
  trawldat <- dplyr::mutate(trawldat,
                            est_month = stringr::str_sub(est_towdate, 6,7),
                            est_month = as.numeric(est_month),
                            est_day   = stringr::str_sub(est_towdate, -2, -1),
                            est_day   = as.numeric(est_day), .before = season)}

Step 3: Column Changes

In this step we format the different columns for consistent capitalization patterns, as well as padding any columns that use numeric ID’s that sometimes read in without leading zeros. The units for biomass and length were added to their column names to remove confusion down the line. Finally, instances where there is biomass reported but no abundance or the vice versa scenario of abundance without biomass are corrected to show some very small non-zero value rather than NA.

#### 4. Column Changes  ####
trawldat <- dplyr::mutate(trawldat,

    # Text Formatting
    comname = tolower(comname),
    id      = format(id, scientific = FALSE),
    svspp   = as.character(svspp),
    svspp   = stringr::str_pad(svspp, 3, "left", "0"),
    season  = stringr::str_to_title(season),

    # Format Stratum number,
    # exclude leading and trailing codes for inshore/offshore,
    # used for matching to stratum areas
    strat_num = stringr::str_sub(stratum, 2, 3))

# Rename to make units more clear
trawldat <- dplyr::rename(trawldat,
  biomass_kg = biomass,
  length_cm = length)

# Replace 0's that must be greater than 0
trawldat <- dplyr::mutate(trawldat,
  biomass_kg = ifelse(biomass_kg == 0 & abundance > 0, 0.0001, biomass_kg),
  abundance = ifelse(abundance == 0 & biomass_kg > 0, 1, abundance))

Step 4: Row Filtering

This is the first step where data is targeted and removed. The things that we filter out at this step are:
1. Stratum that are no longer sampled, and Canadian stratum
2. Stations that were sampled outside of the major Spring/Fall survey seasons
3. Data prior to 1970
4. Data with NA values for abundance or biomass
5. Specific species (shrimps and unidentified fishes)

#### 5. Row Filtering  ####

# Things filtered:
# 1. Strata
# 2. Seasons
# 3. Year limits
# 4. Vessels
# 5. Species Exclusion

# Eliminate Canadian Strata and Strata No longer in Use
trawldat <- dplyr::filter(trawldat,
    stratum >= 01010,
    stratum <= 01760,
    stratum != 1310,
    stratum != 1320,
    stratum != 1330,
    stratum != 1350,
    stratum != 1410,
    stratum != 1420,
    stratum != 1490)

# Filter to just Spring and Fall
trawldat <- dplyr::filter(trawldat, season %in% c("Spring", "Fall"))
trawldat <- dplyr::mutate(trawldat, season = factor(season, levels = c("Spring", "Fall")))

# Filter years
trawldat <- dplyr::filter(trawldat,
                          est_year >= 1970,
                          est_year < 2020)

# Drop NA Biomass and Abundance Records
trawldat <- dplyr::filter(trawldat,

# Exclude the Skrimps
trawldat <-  dplyr::filter(trawldat, svspp %not in% c(285:299, 305, 306, 307, 316, 323, 910:915, 955:961))

# Exclude the unidentified fish
trawldat <- dplyr::filter(trawldat, svspp %not in% c(0, 978, 979, 980, 998))

# # Only the Albatross and Henry Bigelow? - eliminates 1989-1991
# trawldat_t <- dplyr::filter(trawldat, svvessel %in% c("AL", "HB"))

Step 5: Region Assignment and Spatial Filtering

At this step we assign a survey_area column to the data that corresponds to collections of survey strata. These areas have been used in previous work and roughly coincide with the Ecological Production Units (EPU’s).

There is some flexibility to filter out data to specific areas here, but primarily the survey areas are just assigned.

#### 6. Spatial Filtering - Stratum  ####

# This section merges stratum area info in
# And drops stratum that are not sampled or in Canada
# these are used to relate catch/effort to physical areas in km squared

# Stratum Area Key for which stratum correspond to larger regions we use
strata_key <- list(
  "Georges Bank"          = as.character(13:23),
  "Gulf of Maine"         = as.character(24:40),
  "Southern New England"  = stringr::str_pad(as.character(1:12),
                                             width = 2, pad = "0", side = "left"),
  "Mid-Atlantic Bight"    = as.character(61:76))

# Add the labels to the data
trawldat <- dplyr::mutate(
  survey_area =  dplyr::case_when(
    strat_num %in% strata_key$`Georges Bank`         ~ "GB",
    strat_num %in% strata_key$`Gulf of Maine`        ~ "GoM",
    strat_num %in% strata_key$`Southern New England` ~ "SNE",
    strat_num %in% strata_key$`Mid-Atlantic Bight`   ~ "MAB",
    TRUE                                             ~ "stratum not in key"))

# Use strata_select to pull the strata we want individually
# Comment out regions you wish to not include
strata_select <- c(strata_key$`Georges Bank`,
                   strata_key$`Gulf of Maine`,
                   strata_key$`Southern New England`,
                   strata_key$`Mid-Atlantic Bight`)

# Filtering areas using strata_select
trawldat <- dplyr::filter(trawldat, strat_num %in% strata_select)
trawldat <- dplyr::mutate(trawldat, stratum = as.character(stratum))

Step 6: Number at Length and Adjusted Numbers at Length

Up until this point the survdat dataset contains information about total abundance & biomass of each species caught at a station, as well as the lengths of most individuals, with individual weights for fewer still.

The abundance and biomass columns record the aggregate totals for each species, and ignore individual variation within the catch. These two columns are also adjusted for all data sampled using the RV Henry Bigelow. The adjustment scales these two values to be consistent with what the RV Albatross and its gear would have theoretically sampled using species-specific conversions.

NOTE: The columns that provide information on individuals (length_cm, numlen) do not have species-specific conversions and remain their original values. This (and some other minor issues) lead to instances where the abundance value does not equal the sum() of its constituents sum(numlen) across the different lengths recorded.

To ensure that number at length values track with the adjustments done on abundance & biomass we perform a similar conversion. The outcome of the conversion is a new column numlen_adj which when summed across lengths for a species equals the abundance recorded in the data.

#### 7. Adjusting NumLength  ####

# numlen is not adjusted to correct for the change in survey vessels and gear
# these values consequently do not equal abundance, nor biomass which are adjusted

# Because of this and also some instances of bad data,
# there are cases of more/less measured than initially tallied* in abundance
# this section ensures that numlen totals out to be the same as abundance

# If catchsex is not a column then total abundance is assumed pooled
if(has_catchsex == TRUE){
  abundance_groups <- c("id", "comname", "catchsex", "abundance")
} else {
  message("catchsex column not found, ignoring sex for numlen adjustments")
  abundance_groups <- c("id", "comname", "abundance")}

# Get the abundance value for each sex
# arrived at by summing across each length
abundance_check <- dplyr::group_by(trawldat, !!!rlang::syms(abundance_groups))
abundance_check <- dplyr::summarise(abundance_check,
    abund_actual = sum(numlen),
    n_len_class  = dplyr::n_distinct(length_cm),
    .groups      = "keep")
abundance_check <- dplyr::ungroup(abundance_check)

# Get the ratio between the original abundance column
# and the sum of numlen we just grabbed
conv_factor <- dplyr::distinct(trawldat, !!!rlang::syms(abundance_groups), length_cm)
conv_factor <- dplyr::inner_join(conv_factor, abundance_check, by = abundance_groups)
conv_factor <- dplyr::mutate(conv_factor, convers = abundance / abund_actual)

# Merge back and convert the numlen field
# original numlen * conversion factor = numlength adjusted
survdat_processed <- dplyr::left_join(trawldat, conv_factor, by = c(abundance_groups, "length_cm"))
survdat_processed <- dplyr::mutate(survdat_processed, numlen_adj = numlen * convers, .after = numlen)
survdat_processed <- dplyr::select(survdat_processed, -c(abund_actual, convers))

# remove conversion factor from environment
rm(abundance_check, conv_factor, strata_key, strata_select)

Step 7: Ensure Data Quality and No Duplication

The final step before returning the clean data is to ensure that we have data from every station, and every distinct record of a species/sex/length recorded at those stations is returned without any duplication.

#### 8. Distinct Station & Species Length Info   ####

# For each station we need unique combinations of
# station_id, species, catchsex, length_cm, adjusted_numlen
# to capture what and how many of each length fish is caught

# Record of unique station catches:
# One row for every species * sex * length_cm, combination in the data
trawl_lens <- dplyr::filter(survdat_processed,
       == FALSE,
       == FALSE,
                numlen_adj > 0)

# Do we want to just keep all the station info here as well?
# question to answer is whether any other columns repeat,
# or if these are the only ones
trawl_clean <- dplyr::distinct(trawl_lens,
  id, svspp, comname, catchsex, abundance, n_len_class,
  length_cm, numlen, numlen_adj, biomass_kg, .keep_all = TRUE)

# Return the dataframe
# Contains 1 Row for each length class of every species caught

Full Cleanup Function


This is a copy of the full function and may or may not remain up to date as the primary copy changes over time (likely not). For the most recent version please use the {gmRi} package function.

#' @title  Load survdat file with standard data filters, keep all columns
#' @description Processing function to prepare survdat data for size spectra analyses.
#' Options to select various survdat pulls, or provide your own available.
#' @param survdat optional starting dataframe in the R environment to run through size spectra build.
#' @param survdat_source String indicating which survdat file to load from box
#' @return Returns a dataframe filtered and tidy-ed for size spectrum analysis.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # not run
#' # gmri_survdat_prep(survdat_source = "most recent")
gmri_survdat_prep <- function(survdat = NULL, survdat_source = "most recent"){

  ####  Resource Paths
  mills_path  <- box_path("mills")
  nmfs_path   <- box_path("res", "NMFS_trawl")

  ####  1. Import SURVDAT File  ####

  # Testing:
  #survdat_source <- "bigelow"     ; survdat <- NULL
  #survdat_source <- "most recent" ; survdat <- NULL

  # convenience change to make it lowercase
  survdat_source <- tolower(survdat_source)

  # Build Paths to survdat for standard options
  survdat_path <- switch(
    EXPR = survdat_source,
    "2016"        = paste0(mills_path, "Projects/WARMEM/Old survey data/Survdat_Nye2016.RData"),
    "2019"        = paste0(nmfs_path,  "SURVDAT_archived/Survdat_Nye_allseason.RData"),
    "2020"        = paste0(nmfs_path,  "SURVDAT_archived/Survdat_Nye_Aug 2020.RData"),
    "2021"        = paste0(nmfs_path,  "SURVDAT_archived/survdat_slucey_01152021.RData"),
    "bigelow"     = paste0(nmfs_path,  "SURVDAT_current/survdat_Bigelow_slucey_01152021.RData"),
    "most recent" = paste0(nmfs_path,  "SURVDAT_current/NEFSC_BTS_all_seasons_03032021.RData"),
    "bio"         = paste0(nmfs_path,  "SURVDAT_current/NEFSC_BTS_2021_bio_03192021.RData") )

  # If providing a starting point for survdat pass it in:
  if(is.null(survdat) == FALSE){
    trawldat <- janitor::clean_names(survdat)
  } else if(is.null(survdat) == TRUE){

    # If not then load using the correct path

    # Bigelow data doesn't load in as "survdat"
    if(survdat_source == "bigelow"){
      survdat <- survdat.big

    # Most recent pulls load a list containing survdat
    if(survdat_source %in% c("bio", "most recent")){
      survdat <- survey$survdat }

    # clean names up for convenience
    trawldat <- janitor::clean_names(survdat)

  # remove survdat once the data is in

  #### 2.  Column Detection  ####

  ####__ a. Missing column flags  ####

  # Flags for missing columns that need to be merged in or built
  has_comname  <- "comname" %in% names(trawldat)
  has_id_col   <- "id" %in% names(trawldat)
  has_towdate  <- "est_towdate" %in% names(trawldat)
  has_month    <- "est_month" %in% names(trawldat)

  # Flags for renaming or subsetting the data due to presence/absence of columns
  has_year      <- "est_year" %in% names(trawldat)
  has_catchsex  <- "catchsex" %in% names(trawldat)
  has_decdeg    <- "decdeg_beglat" %in% names(trawldat)
  has_avg_depth <- "avgdepth" %in% names(trawldat)

  ####__ b. Missing comname  ####

  # Use SVSPP to get common names for species
  if(has_comname == FALSE){
    message("no comnames found, merging records in with spp_keys/sppclass.csv")
    # Load sppclass codes and common names
    spp_classes <- readr::read_csv(
        paste0(nmfs_path, "spp_keys/sppclass.csv"),
        col_types = readr::cols())
    spp_classes <- janitor::clean_names(spp_classes)
    spp_classes <- dplyr::mutate(spp_classes,
             comname  = stringr::str_to_lower(common_name),
             scientific_name = stringr::str_to_lower(scientific_name))
    spp_classes <- dplyr::distinct(spp_classes, svspp, comname, scientific_name)

    # Add the common names over and format for rest of build
    trawldat <- dplyr::mutate(trawldat, svspp = stringr::str_pad(svspp, 3, "left", "0"))
    trawldat <- dplyr::left_join(trawldat, spp_classes, by = "svspp")


  ####__ c. Missing ID  ####
  if(has_id_col == FALSE) {
    message("creating station id from cruise-station-stratum fields")
    # Build ID column
    trawldat <- dplyr::mutate(trawldat,
      cruise6 = stringr::str_pad(cruise6, 6, "left", "0"),
      station = stringr::str_pad(station, 3, "left", "0"),
      stratum = stringr::str_pad(stratum, 4, "left", "0"),
      id      = stringr::str_c(cruise6, station, stratum))}

  ####__ d. Field renaming  ####

  # Rename select columns for consistency
  if(has_year == FALSE)      {
    message("renaming year column to est_year")
    trawldat <- dplyr::rename(trawldat, est_year = year) }
  if(has_decdeg == FALSE) {
    message("renaming lat column to decdeg_beglat")
    trawldat <- dplyr::rename(trawldat, decdeg_beglat = lat) }
  if(has_decdeg == FALSE) {
    message("renaming lon column to decdeg_beglon")
    trawldat <- dplyr::rename(trawldat, decdeg_beglon = lon) }
  if(has_avg_depth == FALSE)      {
    message("renaming depth column to avgdepth")
    trawldat <- dplyr::rename(trawldat, avgdepth = depth) }

  ####____ d. build date structure for quick grab of date components
  if(has_towdate == TRUE) {
    message("building month/day columns from est_towdate")
    trawldat <- dplyr::mutate(trawldat,
                              est_month = stringr::str_sub(est_towdate, 6,7),
                              est_month = as.numeric(est_month),
                              est_day   = stringr::str_sub(est_towdate, -2, -1),
                              est_day   = as.numeric(est_day), .before = season)}

  #### 4. Column Changes  ####
  trawldat <- dplyr::mutate(trawldat,

      # Text Formatting
      comname = tolower(comname),
      id      = format(id, scientific = FALSE),
      svspp   = as.character(svspp),
      svspp   = stringr::str_pad(svspp, 3, "left", "0"),
      season  = stringr::str_to_title(season),

      # Format Stratum number,
      # exclude leading and trailing codes for inshore/offshore,
      # used for matching to stratum areas
      strat_num = stringr::str_sub(stratum, 2, 3))

  # Rename to make units more clear
  trawldat <- dplyr::rename(trawldat,
    biomass_kg = biomass,
    length_cm = length)

  # Replace 0's that must be greater than 0
  trawldat <- dplyr::mutate(trawldat,
    biomass_kg = ifelse(biomass_kg == 0 & abundance > 0, 0.0001, biomass_kg),
    abundance = ifelse(abundance == 0 & biomass_kg > 0, 1, abundance))

  #### 5. Row Filtering  ####

  # Things filtered:
  # 1. Strata
  # 2. Seasons
  # 3. Year limits
  # 4. Vessels
  # 5. Species Exclusion

  # Eliminate Canadian Strata and Strata No longer in Use
  trawldat <- dplyr::filter(trawldat,
      stratum >= 01010,
      stratum <= 01760,
      stratum != 1310,
      stratum != 1320,
      stratum != 1330,
      stratum != 1350,
      stratum != 1410,
      stratum != 1420,
      stratum != 1490)

  # Filter to just Spring and Fall
  trawldat <- dplyr::filter(trawldat, season %in% c("Spring", "Fall"))
  trawldat <- dplyr::mutate(trawldat, season = factor(season, levels = c("Spring", "Fall")))

  # Filter years
  trawldat <- dplyr::filter(trawldat,
                            est_year >= 1970,
                            est_year < 2020)

  # Drop NA Biomass and Abundance Records
  trawldat <- dplyr::filter(trawldat,

  # Exclude the Skrimps
  trawldat <-  dplyr::filter(trawldat, svspp %not in% c(285:299, 305, 306, 307, 316, 323, 910:915, 955:961))

  # Exclude the unidentified fish
  trawldat <- dplyr::filter(trawldat, svspp %not in% c(0, 978, 979, 980, 998))

  # # Only the Albatross and Henry Bigelow? - eliminates 1989-1991
  # trawldat_t <- dplyr::filter(trawldat, svvessel %in% c("AL", "HB"))

  #### 6. Spatial Filtering - Stratum  ####

  # This section merges stratum area info in
  # And drops stratum that are not sampled or in Canada
  # these are used to relate catch/effort to physical areas in km squared

  # Stratum Area Key for which stratum correspond to larger regions we use
  strata_key <- list(
    "Georges Bank"          = as.character(13:23),
    "Gulf of Maine"         = as.character(24:40),
    "Southern New England"  = stringr::str_pad(as.character(1:12),
                                               width = 2, pad = "0", side = "left"),
    "Mid-Atlantic Bight"    = as.character(61:76))

  # Add the labels to the data
  trawldat <- dplyr::mutate(
    survey_area =  dplyr::case_when(
      strat_num %in% strata_key$`Georges Bank`         ~ "GB",
      strat_num %in% strata_key$`Gulf of Maine`        ~ "GoM",
      strat_num %in% strata_key$`Southern New England` ~ "SNE",
      strat_num %in% strata_key$`Mid-Atlantic Bight`   ~ "MAB",
      TRUE                                             ~ "stratum not in key"))

  # Use strata_select to pull the strata we want individually
  strata_select <- c(strata_key$`Georges Bank`,
                     strata_key$`Gulf of Maine`,
                     strata_key$`Southern New England`,
                     strata_key$`Mid-Atlantic Bight`)

  # Filtering areas using strata_select
  trawldat <- dplyr::filter(trawldat, strat_num %in% strata_select)
  trawldat <- dplyr::mutate(trawldat, stratum = as.character(stratum))

  #### 7. Adjusting NumLength  ####

  # NOTE:
  # numlen is not adjusted to correct for the change in survey vessels and gear
  # these values consequently do not equal abundance, nor biomass which are adjusted

  # Because of this and also some instances of bad data,
  # there are cases of more/less measured than initially tallied* in abundance
  # this section ensures that numlen totals out to be the same as abundance

  # If catchsex is not a column then total abundance is assumed pooled
  if(has_catchsex == TRUE){
    abundance_groups <- c("id", "comname", "catchsex", "abundance")
  } else {
    message("catchsex column not found, ignoring sex for numlen adjustments")
    abundance_groups <- c("id", "comname", "abundance")}

  # Get the abundance value for each sex
  # arrived at by summing across each length
  abundance_check <- dplyr::group_by(trawldat, !!!rlang::syms(abundance_groups))
  abundance_check <- dplyr::summarise(abundance_check,
      abund_actual = sum(numlen),
      n_len_class  = dplyr::n_distinct(length_cm),
      .groups      = "keep")
  abundance_check <- dplyr::ungroup(abundance_check)

  # Get the ratio between the original abundance column
  # and the sum of numlen we just grabbed
  conv_factor <- dplyr::distinct(trawldat, !!!rlang::syms(abundance_groups), length_cm)
  conv_factor <- dplyr::inner_join(conv_factor, abundance_check, by = abundance_groups)
  conv_factor <- dplyr::mutate(conv_factor, convers = abundance / abund_actual)

  # Merge back and convert the numlen field
  # original numlen * conversion factor = numlength adjusted
  survdat_processed <- dplyr::left_join(trawldat, conv_factor, by = c(abundance_groups, "length_cm"))
  survdat_processed <- dplyr::mutate(survdat_processed, numlen_adj = numlen * convers, .after = numlen)
  survdat_processed <- dplyr::select(survdat_processed, -c(abund_actual, convers))

  # remove conversion factor from environment
  rm(abundance_check, conv_factor, strata_key, strata_select)

  #### 8. Distinct Station & Species Length Info   ####

  # For each station we need unique combinations of
  # station_id, species, catchsex, length_cm, adjusted_numlen
  # to capture what and how many of each length fish is caught

  # Record of unique station catches:
  # One row for every species * sex * length_cm, combination in the data
  trawl_lens <- dplyr::filter(survdat_processed,
         == FALSE,
         == FALSE,
                  numlen_adj > 0)

  # Do we want to just keep all the station info here as well?
  # question to answer is whether any other columns repeat,
  # or if these are the only ones
  trawl_clean <- dplyr::distinct(trawl_lens,
    id, svspp, comname, catchsex, abundance, n_len_class,
    length_cm, numlen, numlen_adj, biomass_kg, .keep_all = TRUE)

  # Return the dataframe
  # Contains 1 Row for each length class of every species caught



When put together as a single function the cleanup can be implemented as seen below. For situations where you are providing a dataset to clean ex. mydata, simply supply it using the argument survdat = mydata.

survdat_2019 <- gmri_survdat_prep(survdat_source = "most recent")
creating station id from cruise-station-stratum fields
renaming year column to est_year
renaming lat column to decdeg_beglat
renaming lon column to decdeg_beglon
renaming depth column to avgdepth
building month/day columns from est_towdate
# Save for Sharing Clean Data
nmfs_path <- box_path("res", "NMFS_trawl/SURVDAT_processed")
write_csv(survdat_2019, paste0(nmfs_path, "/NMFS_survdat_gmri_tidy.csv"))

Secondary Steps:

Length Weight Data Prep

Following the standard clean up steps, there may also be a need to perform size-based analyses. For these analyses published length-weight relationships are used to estimate the weight-at-length for species where those coefficients are available.

A second function gmRi::add_lw_info() exists for the purpose of adding0

Area-Stratified Abundances and Biomasses

Once length-weight information is added, we are able to now get size-specific area-stratified abundance and biomass numbers. This step is implemented using a third function: gmRi::add_area_stratification()


A work by Adam A. Kemberling